Used right, they might give your writing a new angle, aside from helping you compare, emphasize or clarify specific thoughts. Make sure you know each kind so that you can employ them a highly effective work.
Metaphor. Metaphors can be a figure of speech expressed by comparing certain things, saying that you may be the other. This can be a comparison of 2 things that avoid "like" or "as." Its very successful because of the very indirect manner by which it communicates its message, provided the rest of your writing is capably assembled (with help from an entire writing software).
Simile. Like metaphors, they help you compare unlike things. However, they use a method, employing comparisons who make use of connectors, including "like" and "as."
Synecdoche. This particular figurative language uses an element of something to consult the entire, specify a class of thing used to touch on a more substantial or even more general class. Examples include speaking about a businessman as a "suit," to money as "paper" and your car or truck as "wheels."
Hyperbole. Frequently employed in humorous writing, this entails exaggerating or overstating undeniable for effect or accustomed to evoked strong feelings or impressions. For an illustration, look into the many "Yomamma" jokes.
Pun. Puns are play on words which is the unit frequently employed for knock-knock jokes.
Personification. In this manner of figurative language, an abstract object or concept is represented for a person, for example if a singer identifies his "car" to be a "she."
By way of example I give some pictures associated with Personification Example Of Shoes
The figure of speech is either highlighted or explained below the examples. To be able to use personification to make your writing more exciting and original.
For example when we say the sky weeps we are giving the sky the ability to cry which is a human quality.

Personification example of shoes. Read these examples of personification for kids to see how this can add interest to your poems and stories. Thus we can say that the sky has been personified in the given sentence. I look like normal smart working under the bed purpose imagery claustrophobic pressing down what.
Here are some more personification examples used in prose and poetry that you can go through. Examples of personification in simple sentences. The ocean cannot literally sing as a human can.
Personification is a type of metaphor and a common literary tool. Common examples of personification. Personification is simply giving human like qualities to a nonhuman object.
It is when you assign the qualities of a person to something that isnt human or that isnt even alive like nature or emotions. To begin to write a story about a day in the life of a shoe. Look at my car.
Personification is when you givean animal or object qualities or abilities that only a human can have. The tree shook its fist at me warning me to stay out. Personification is a form of figurative language that is used as a literary techniquepersonification means attributing human characteristics to something that is not human.
Here the shoes are given the human ability to speak and to travel. This is personification cause the flowers are waving. For more information on how to identify and use personification in writing please check out our personification worksheets for printable practice.
The windows trembled with fear. Therefore the phrase is figurative and the ocean is personified. Only people can wave.
Examples of personification by yourdictionary everyone knows what a person is but do you know what personification is. The shutters of the house blinked everytime she walked by. The ocean sang a mesmerizing song.
With the above definition of personification let us look at some personification examples. Its the cigarettes job to tempt and lure. Because personification involves making a comparison it can be viewed as a special kind of simile a direct or explicit comparison or metaphor an implicit comparison.
An example of personification is the flowers wave in the breeze. In robert frosts poem birches for example the personification of the trees as girls introduced by the word like is a type of simile. Please read on for 30 examples of personification including many.
This example uses personification to provide sensory language for the sound the ocean makes.
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